Friday, August 26th
- Quillsprey Code of Conduct
- Syllabus: We will go over the rest of it Monday, but take a copy and look it over yourself.
- We need photos and footage from the first week of school.
- Join my Google Classroom: igd3coq
- Bookmark my DP:
FIRST ASSIGNMENT: 100 words (a news brief) on student orientation or another AHS occurrence from the week.
What are the stories contained within the big story?
What are news stories made of?
- Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
What must you do if you don't know all the details to be able to report out on it?
- Choose a slice of orientation from our brainstorm to write your brief on.
- What details do you already know? What do you need to find out?
- Try to write a 100 word News Brief with your group right now.
- Before Monday, try to get a comment from another Osprey about their experience in their first week of school. Write their quote down and make sure you get the correct spelling of the person's name.